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Are you someone with remarkable flexibility, often described as “double-jointed”? We understand that each body is unique, and some individuals have hypermobile joints, where the joint’s range of motion exceeds the norm.

However, hypermobility, while intriguing, can bring its own set of challenges. It may result in posture issues and discomfort during extended periods of sitting or standing, leading to pain and discomfort. The good news is that you don’t have to navigate this journey alone.

At Physiotherapy@Carefirst, we specialise in helping individuals manage hypermobility effectively. Our team of skilled Taranaki professionals understands the complexities of hypermobility and how it affects your daily life.

Here’s why you should consider us:

Personalised Approach:
We believe in tailoring our approach to your unique needs. Whether it’s improving posture or gaining better control over your hypermobile joints, our friendly and professional team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Pilates for Hypermobility:
Our New Plymouth Pilates classes are designed specifically to address the challenges of hypermobility. We focus on postural strengthening and body control, providing you with valuable tools to enhance your quality of life.

Don’t let hypermobility hinder your well-being. Take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life by reaching out to us at Physiotherapy@Carefirst. Our New Plymouth based, Pilates-trained physiotherapists are ready to assess your unique needs and guide you towards managing hypermobility effectively. Embrace your flexibility with confidence!

So, whether you’re exceptionally flexible (or not), Pilates at Physiotherapy@Carefirst can be your pathway to a healthier, more balanced life. Our local, professional team is here to support you on your journey. Give us a call today to learn more and schedule your assessment with one of our Pilates-trained physiotherapists. We look forward to helping you unlock your full potential!

Join us for our Intermediate Pilates classes in New Plymouth, starting at 7:00 AM every Tuesday at Barclay Hall (located at 158 Tukapa Street, Westown, New Plymouth). Since spots are limited, make sure to secure your place by clicking on the provided link. The venue offers plenty of off-street parking for your convenience.